Friday, October 5, 2012

Instilling Courage in Young Children

By Mariel Lombardi

Have you ever been at a childcare center at the drop-off hour? You must have seen children crying as their parents leave. It is heart-breaking, but they gradually learn that parents DO return. We may have read or been told that playing peek- a-boo helps infants get used to the idea of parents vanishing and reappearing. We also know that being consistent with their routines, such as, feeding them, and putting them to sleep on time, as well as playing with them regularly helps children develop a sense of security. 

Back to School — 
Tips for a Successful Year

By Debra Fryson

As a child, did you dread the sight of sale flyers with back-to-school savings? How awful to be reminded that it was time to stock up on pencils, pens, and notebooks. How alarming to realize that all too soon summer vacation would be over and it would be time to head back to school.  While that is no longer your worry, perhaps you have children who now find themselves in the same predicament.  Ready or not, it’s that time of year again.  Here are some tips that may help you and your child have a successful school year.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

They Are Willing… Are We?

                                                                                          By Jim Ingersoll

They came. By the hundreds, they came—to help their fellow man and sister school in a time of desperate need. At an average of 152 students per day for six weeks and from all over the country, they came. It started with Hurricane Katrina in 2005, when a desire arose within the hearts of Seventh-day Adventist young students and teachers to help the victims who had suffered so much loss from that devastating storm. But, no one knew where to go or how to help. However, God had a person, a plan, and a place already in mind.

What Makes Adventist EDGE Schools,
Schools of Excellence?

                                                                                                    By Don Tucker

Since the Adventist EDGE (Educators Delivering a Great Education)  initiative began more than nine years ago, numerous schools across the Southern Union — from pre-K through grade 12 — have been improving education for hundreds of children. Just how are these schools doing it? What do they all have in common?
The answer is dedication. An excellent school doesn’t happen overnight; it takes hard work and intention to build a culture of excellence, but when a whole community — the church, school, and home — comes together to create an excellent school, the results are astounding.

Outperforming the Rest: All Grades, All Subjects
by Cynthia Gettys and Carol Meyers

The November 15, 2010, issue of the Christian Scientist Monitor published an article titled “For Real Education Reform, Take a Cue from the Adventists.” To entice readers to read through the full story, the editors wrote the following teaser: “Amid the buzz on education reform, the Seventh-day Adventist school system might seem an unexpected place to look for models in improving student achievement. But by educating mind, body, and spirit, Adventist schools outperform the national average across all demographics.”  These accolades celebrate the findings of four years of CognitiveGenesis research.

 Must Great Minds Think Alike?

                                                                            by W. Eugene Brewer, Ed.D. 
Do you ever wonder…

Why Johnny talks all of the time?
Or why Susan loves work sheets?
Or why Tony can’t sit still?
Or why Jenny is always trying something new?

Or why you can help Michelle with her homework and have a great
time, but when you try to help Billy it always ends in a fight?

Learning Styles answers these questions and more. Learning capitalizes on the strengths of four major learning styles identified by researchers
from many fields.

It’s Lunchtime!

by Diane Ruff

Lunchtime is always a school favorite for many children. In fact, those who sometimes skip breakfast look forward to this middle-of-the day treat. Lunch is provided by a variety of sources: home, fast food chains, friends, and the school’s cafeteria, just to name a few. Regardless of the source, what are the guidelines for providing a healthy, nutritional meal for children?